Upcoming Update 1.2: New Game Plus!

Hello everyball!

It’s been almost 2 months since our 1.1 Release, so we thought it’s due time for another update. Let’s jump right into it!

Version 1.2

Version 1.2 will include a feature that was a stretch goal in our IndieGogo campaign back in 2015: New Game Plus. As such we didn’t just wanted to let you replay the game and keep all your stuff. We wanted to add more options for players to customize their playthrough with different options. And we actually laid down the groundwork for this pretty early on. Remember that trophies had a value attached to them? Yes, they did! And they weren’t for show.

Once you have a save file with a clear mark (this little star under the level display) selecting New Game from the title menu will now prompt this little selection. Selecting the right hand option lets you use your combined trophy points to customize your game! How? Well there are a lot of options…

These here are just some of the options you have, but as you can see we do feature the usual culprits like carrying over items or increasing EXP/Money. However more unique modifiers are also on the table which can alter the gameplay quite drastically.
Combining different combat modifiers and enemy related options can make the game very challenging or make you insanely overpowered. The choice here is yours!

Here’s a little example of what happens when combining Dash Master and Witch Time:

Selecting any option from the Carry-Over group will let you select a clear file that will be used to import items, levels and so on. And yes this means, that by importing saves you can quickly jump into new game plus too! Just in case someone needs it!

Release Date

Content wise most of the features we wanted to implemented are already implemented (in fact only 3 of 42 are currently still WIP). We want to push the update to our internal beta testers very soon and make sure everything is sound. Since we are also including new dialogs (and maybe even quests) in the update it will takes a tiny bit more time to really test all of it. Because of this we can’t give you an exact date on the 1.2 release. But we do our best to get it done as soon as possible, pinky promise!

Other Stuff

The last couple of weeks our team was busy visiting some events and also having a big trip to Japan so we took that time to unwind a bit and relaxed.
But that doesn’t mean we didn’t work on other CrossCode related stuff! It’s just content we don’t want to share just yet to not spoil the surprise.

Alright, that’s it for this update! Until next time!


  • Smokeldoggz on June 25, 2019 at 6:16 pm said:

    Everything sounds great. Can’t wait to play CrossCode on PS4. I’d like a physical release but if I have to buy it on the psn I will.

  • so what I’m hearing is I no longer need to hack a hedgehag in order to get to overkill everything

  • Golden_Fryingpan on June 25, 2019 at 10:50 pm said:

    Not a fan of new game + personnally, but it’s quite nice to see for the people who really are into this stuff !! Also who doesn’t like updates anyway?!

  • New Game Plus is almost here?! Time for Crosscoding again! I mean…”Lea, I miss you!”

  • You do really have a wonderful game !
    Why not release it on Android tho ?
    Anyway. The 2.5D style is really solid.
    The collisions and sprite sorting work flawlessly without much impact on performance. I wonder how you managed that…
    Because I also « gamedev » a bit.

  • João Pedro l. on June 28, 2019 at 4:04 am said:

    I am sooooooo curious to know what is the surprise you guys are talking about! And I cant wait for any update about switch version release date

  • I’m really hyped for this update!, but be careful to fix exploits that may be harmful to the game play… like… wave dash-art avoiding the vision of the elemental guards in vermillion wasteland UwU

  • PurplePhonix on July 3, 2019 at 2:21 pm said:

    I can’t wait to play it on the switch.

    I mean, the PS4 is cool too. But nothing really beats killing hedgehags on the go.

    And this new game plus is getting me even more hyped

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